
来源:南开中学 发布时间:2016-03-24 10:10:33 整理:一品高考网
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. How will the woman go to Los Angeles?
  A. By car. B. By air. C. By train.
2. What does the man think of the ending of the movie?
  A. Exciting. B. Happy. C. Sad.
3. What does the man plan to do this summer?
  A. Attend classes. B. Visit Michael. C. Go to Boston.
4. Where will the man put the chair?
  A. Against the wall. B. By the window. C. Next to the desk.
5. What is the man going to do today?
  A. Go to the library. B. Write a novel. C. Read a book.
6. Where does this conversation probably take place?
  A. In a library. B. In a chemistry lab. C. In a teacher's office.
7. What should the woman show to read Professor King’s articles?
  A. Her ID card. B. Her library card. C. Her student ID card.
8. What does the woman ask the man to dot?
  A. Tell her about two teachers.
B. Help her with her physics.      
C. Introduce her to a professor.
9. What does the man think the woman should do?
  A. Discuss her problem with Professor Hunter.
  B. Change her major to physics.
  C. Take Professor Bell's class.
10. What does the man want to sell?
   A. Books. B. Furniture. C. An apartment.
11. How will the man pay'?
   A. In cash. B. By check C. Through online bank.
12. What will the man do next?
   A. Write an advertisement.
B. Go over his advertisement.      
C. Post his advertisement.
13. What are the speakers talking about?
   A. When to take a boat trip.
   B. How t0 1reat the man's cousins.
   C. Where to meet the man's cousins.
14. What does the man think of the ice cream in Pizza Roma?
   A. Bad. B. Expensive. C. Delicious.
15. Which film will the speakers see?
   A. Purple Rain. B. Catch a Train. C. Friends and Enemies.
16. How will the speakers go to the sea?
   A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By train.
17. Who is the talk probably intended for?
   A. Students studying animals.     
  B. Visitors to the Bronx Zoo.         
C. Visitors to the City Zoo.
18. What does the speaker say about night animals before the 1960's?
   A. They were sleeping when visitors were present.
   B. They were uncomfortable about light.
   C. They were not allowed to be watched.
19. Why is red light used at the living places of night animals?
   A. To put them to sleep.
   B. To create natural daylight.
   C. To enable visitors to watch their activities.
20. What will the listeners probably do next?
   A. Study Australian animals.
   B. Look at the night animals.
   C. Go to the World Down Under show.

第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
My father was always a good gardener. One of my earliest memories is standing without shoes in the freshly tilled(翻耕的)soil, my hands blackened from digging in the ground.
    As a child, I loved following Dad around in the garden, I remember Dad pushing the tiller(耕作机)ahead in perfectly straight lines. Dad loved growing all sorts of things: yellow and green onions, watermelons almost as big as me, rows of yellow com, and our favorite --- red tomatoes.
As I grew into a teenager, I didn't get so excited about gardening with Dad. Instead of magical land of possibility, it had turned into some kind of prison. As Dad grew older, his love for gardening never disappeared. After all the kids were grown and had started families of their own, Dad turned to gardening like never before. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he still took care of his garden.
But then, the cancer, bit by bit, invaded his body. I had to do the things he used to do. What really convinced me that Dad was dying was the state of his garden that year. The rows and rows of multicolored vegetables were gone. Too tired to weed them, he simply let them be. He only planted tomatoes.
    For the first few years after he died, I couldn't even bear to look at anyone's garden without having strong memories pour over me like cold water from a bucket. Three years ago, I decided to plant my own garden and started out with just a few tomatoes. That morning, after breaking up a fair amount of soil, something caught the comer of my eye and I had to smile, It was my eight-year-old son Nathan, happily playing in the freshly tilled soil.

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