
来源:双鸭山一中 发布时间:2015-11-04 17:25:48 整理:一品高考网

A: Now let’s go back to your first novel, Rag Doll. When did you write     61    ?
B: Rag Doll, yes. I wrote it in 1960, a year after I left school.
A: How old were you then?
B: Um, eighteen? Yes, eighteen, because a year later I went to Indonesia.
A: Mm. And of course it was your     62    (experience) in Indonesia that inspired your first film Eastern Moon.
B: Yes, that’s right, although I didn’t       63  (actual) make Eastern Moon until 1978.
A: And you worked in television for a time too?
B: Yes, I started making documentaries for television in 1973, when I was thirty. That was after I gave up farming.
A: Farming?
B: Yes, that’s right. You see, I    64     (stay) in Indonesia for eight years. I met my wife there in 1965, and we came back and bought a farm    65    the west of England, in 1970. It was really     66   kind of experiment . 
A: But you gave up three years later.
B: Well, yes. You see it was very hard work, and I was also very busy    67    (work) on my second novel, the Cold Earth,     68     came out in 1975. 
A: Yes, that was a best-seller,      69     it?
B: Yes, it was, and that’s why only two years after that I was able to give    70   televisionwork and fix my attention on films and that sort of thing.

71. 紧急的adj. u________________ 72. 居民 n. i________________
73. 巨大的 adj. v________________  74. 羽毛 n. f________________
75. 战役,活动 n. c__________________ 76. 废料,垃圾 n. g_________________
77. 发生 v. o______________ 78. 原则,准则 n. p________________
79. 辞职 v. r_________________  80. 民用的,国内的 adj. c_______________
81. 容纳(乘客等)v. a_________________  82. (历史的) 遗迹,遗物 n. r______________
83. 幸运地,幸亏 adv. f________________ 84. 预告,预报 vt. f________________
85. 迁移,搬迁 vt. r______________   86. 有意义,有道理 _____ _____
87. 突然遭遇(风暴等)_____ _____ _____  88. 浏览 _____ _____
89. 依据 _____ _____ _____    90. 努力 _____ _____

  As new students at an university in Boston, many of us were unfamiliar with the campus but frequently late for class. One professor, however, was absolute against being late, making clear that no excuse would be acceptable. So when a girl student came in his class one morning late, we expected the worst results. It left the professor so annoying that he demand the reason . “The reason is that my waiting online to buy your new book.” She replied very nervously. Delighted at being admired , the professor asked the rest of the class , “ Well , how were not the rest of you late?”

    随着习近平主席及其夫人对英国的正式访问,当地的人们对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣。你的英国笔友Peter想让你向他推荐一个能够很好了解中国的途径。请根据下列信息,给Peter写一封推荐信,介绍一个 “阅读中国””Reading About China”的读书活动。
Dear Peter,

听力      1-5BBBBA    6-10 BCBAA   11-15 BABBC   16-20 ABBAC 
阅读理解  ACCDD         BCABD   C.CAD   D.BADD    
三. 七选五   36-40  DBAEG
完形填空   41-45 ACCAB  46-50 ABDCC 51-55 ABCAD 56-60 BACBC
语法填空  61.it       62. experiences       63. actually     64. stayed       65. in   
          66. a       67. working       68. which       69. wasn’t       70. up
71. urgent      72. inhabitant

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