
来源:未知 发布时间:2013-05-27 13:31:32 整理:一品高考网

33. Now more people prefer a house in a coast city to ____ in such a large city as Beijing.
   A. that        B. it                 C. the one           D. one  
34. ____ through Africa, the infectious disease jumping from children to adults killed        1,000 people.      
   A. Swept      B. Having been swept    C. Having swept     D. Sweeping
35. The famous professor’s lectures, though ____ informal, are considered far more                      informative and interesting.          
   A. occasionally      B. constantly      C. regularly        D. usually

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Mackenzie Hughes had just returned from school and was waiting for her older brothers to arrive home. She was home alone  36  a man started knocking on the front door, turning the handle and trying to  37 .
She’s 12 years old and she was  38 . So she dialed 9-1-1 and reached the operator Rachelle Berry. After a brief talk, Berry  39  what was happening. “OK, hang on, OK? Can you get in a  40  ?” Berry asked. Mackenzie told Berry that her phone --- it wasn’t cordless (无绳的) --- wouldn’t reach into the cupboard. “Will the phone reach under your bed?” Berry asked  41  . “No,” Mackenzie said.
“Can you hide under a  42  and pull your bedspread over you?” That’s  43  what Mackenzie did. She hid under her blanket, holding the phone and listening to Berry’s voice.
Berry talked quietly, which  44  Mackenzie. It helped, too, when Berry told her to think of something  45  . “Try not to cry,” Berry told Mackenzie during the call. “ I know it’s  46  . Do you have something you can hold onto?” Mackenzie struggled to  47  tears. She couldn’t  48  anything without showing her hiding spot. “ It’s OK,” Berry said. “You’ve got me here with you.”
“He’s in my room,” Mackenzie  49  . “Now be quiet, OK? Just don’t talk,” Berry said. For much of the call, Berry dropped her voice to a whisper,  50  the intruder (闯入者) might hear her voice over the phone.  51 , the man came into her room, then left.
Berry told Mackenzie that the  52  were on their way. Minutes later, they arrived and  53  one man in the backyard and another man in a getaway car.
On Thursday morning, the Emergency Communications Bureau gave Mackenzie its Hero Award for her  54  . Berry also received high praise. And then it was off to school for Mackenzie. But first Berry had something to  55  to the middle-schooler: a cordless phone.
36. A. until            B. before          C. because         D. when
37. A. get in          B. get away C. get around      D. get through
38. A. annoyed B. scared C. curious D. surprised
39. A. remembered B. realized C. reviewed D. recalled

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