
来源:未知 发布时间:2013-10-28 17:10:26 整理:一品高考网

96. This is consistent with many religious          (宗教信仰), which stress rational thought, personal dignity and a devotion to praying for holy understanding, as opposed to the “Dark Side”, of violent passion and acute emotion.
97. But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people         (收看) in to witness the take-off on TV.
98. Did Orson Welles         (故意地)set out to terrify the nation?
99.        (典型地;向来), the Romantic poets lived hard and died young.
100. The choice of poems wasn’t a       (任意的) but specially chosen.
101.         总之               102.          使某人失望   103.          区分开
104.         值得思考的问题     105.          不管         106.          开始说; 发问
107.         开始做;着手进行   108.          使某事开始   109.          又一想
110.         赞成某事
第二节:短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
Many scientists believe that life begins in the ocean long ago. For age man used the ocean to discover and explore new lands. Now man spends a great deal of time or money discover the ocean. We know it is rich at minerals which the world need. We know too that it contains a plenty of food for all the people in the world. We know that if the salt were taken from it, it’s water would turn the deserts into rich farm lands. We know a great deal about this land frontier, as it has called. But we still need to learn many more about it.
在很多公众场合,我们都可以看到“中式英文”(Chinglish)的标识,我们是否应该彻底清理这些 Chinglish 呢?请结合下面信息,以“Should We Get Rid of Chinglish?”为题,写一篇英语短文。 赞成 1.外国人很难看懂。2.我们应该学习标准英文。  反对 1.“中式英文”丰富了英语本身。2.“中式英文”为我们的生活增添了乐趣。 你的观点 ? 

听力    1-5 BBAAC   6-10 BACBC   11-15 ACBAC   16-20 CABCA
单选    21-35  CDADC    CBCDB  ADACD  36-40 BDAAD   41-45CACDC   46-50DBDCA
完形   51-55BCDAB 56-60CBDCB 61-65ADBBC 66-70 BAABC
阅读   71-74 BCAD     75-78 CAAB  79-81. BDA   82-85 CDCD  86-90 GAFEB
91. splendid   92. relevant   93. significance  94. prejudice  95. reflection 96. faiths 97. tuned  98. deliberately 99. Typically  100. arbitrary  101. in conclusion      102. let sb. down     103. tell --- apart   104. food for thought  105. in spite of    106. fire away    107. set out    108. set in motion   109. on second thought(s)  110. approve of
1. begins---began   2. age---ages    3. or---and   4. discover---discovering   5. at---in  6. need---needs   7. a plenty of--- plenty of    8.it’s---its       9. has---has been  10. many---much
Nowadays Chinglish signs can be seen in many public places, especially in big cities. People have different opinions on whether we should get rid of Chinglish. On one hand, some people are in favor of getting rid of it. They think it is difficult for foreigners to understand those Chinglish signs. What’s more, we should learn standard English.However, on the other hand, other people are against the idea. In their opinion, for one thing,  Chinglish makes English more colourful. For another, Chinglish adds much pleasure to our life. As far as I’m concerned, we should learn standard English instead of Chinglish. Only in this way can we communicate with foreigners better.  

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