
来源:未知 发布时间:2014-03-02 09:33:35 整理:一品高考网

There are always going to be some kids who struggle with handwriting because of their particular neurological (神经系统的) wiring, learning issues or poor motor skills. Educators often point to this factor in support of keyboarding.
64. What is the author concerned about after 2011 SAT exams?
A. Keyboarding.      B. Shorthand.        C. Handwriting.    D. Block letters.
65. A poem by Robert mentioned in the passage is used to _________.
A. prove how valuable handwriting is
B. explain what a famous poet he is
C. show how unique his poem is
D. stress how fascinating the documents are
66. The example of Handwriting Without Tears helps to argue that_________.
A. the schools are responsible for the loss of handwriting
B. the loss of handwriting is a cognitive opportunity missed  
C. it doesn't take much to teach better handwriting skills
D. the culture is turning from the written word to the typed one
67. According to the author, when is a perfect time to learn handwriting?
A. Kindergarten.   B. Primary school.    C. High school. D. College.
In today's fast paced, high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often exhaust themselves at day's end in front of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning.However, television watching, for most people, does not really lower stress.Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women, may lead to the blues.Most individuals are unaware that doing some exercise after work makes them more energetic since it increases energy levels.
       Wise use of free time does not mean getting an advanced degree, although the mental encouragement gained through education is unbeatable in keeping your mind active.Learning new things nearly always adds a spark to your daily life, especially if it is a favorite topic, such as sport, fashion, or art.Also, look through your bookstore or library to find books on your interests.Try to replace a half hour TV watching with reading.
       It is reported that in the United States recently, many individuals have as few as two good friends.Long work hours and car commute act to separate people from each other.This separation is deadly.Find ways to meet people at the end of the day and on weekends.Often this can be best done by combining activities, such as by joining a walking group to get both exercise and companionship.Taking a class will lift your spirits and allow you to meet others with similar interests.Hobbies are great for reducing stress and provide another opportunity for social interaction.
       Using your free time to aid your health may include these elements and many more, such as going to concerts and spending time with family.Overall, the key is to spend less free time being passive.The best ways to use free time are to be mentally and physically active, spend some time outdoors, and interact with other people on a regular basis.
68. What can we learn from the passage?
      A.Watching television may cause women to feel depressed.
      B.Finding interests and hobbies in common means taking a class.
      C.Going to concerts is the best way to make you mentally active.
      D.Getting an advanced degree in education always lights up your life.
69. What does the underlined word "commute" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
      A.The arrangement to work every day.   B.The journey to work every day.
      C.The communication between people.   D.The separation between people.
70. Which would be the best title for the passage?
      A.Live a Happy and Healthy Life             B.Relax Yourself in Various Ways
      C.Spend Your Free Time Wisely               D.Interact With Others Outdoors
Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all. It is said that our body movements communicate about 50% of what we really mean while words themselves only express 7%. So , while your mouth is closed, just what is your body saying….
   Arms   71  if you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way.    72  if someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you’re unhappy.
   Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are monitor in class, you can take on this position when you want your words to be taken seriously .
_ 73   
   Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still.
   Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yourself.    74  This makes breathing more difficult, which in turn can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.
  Mouth. When you are thinking , you often purse your lips (撅着嘴). You might also use this position to hold back all angry comment you don’t wish to show.    75  .
A. If you are feeling down, you normally don’t sit straight, with your shoulders inwards 

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