
来源:未知 发布时间:2016-01-15 14:39:03 整理:一品高考网

英 语 试 题
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. What will the man do?
   A. Go to the office. B. See his boss off. C. Stay at home.
2. What does the woman mean?
   A. The man should buy a typewriter. B. The man can have her typewriter.
   C. She wants to borrow a typewriter.
3. What was the weather like yesterday?
   A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?
   A. She isn’t fond of him.   B. She is still angry with him.
   C. She is having trouble with work.
5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
   A. At the airport. B. In the cafeteria. C. At the hotel.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
6. Where are the two speakers?
   A. In a store. B. In a bakery. C. On a farm.
7. What has the woman bought in the end?
   A. Bananas and oranges. B. Oranges and mooncakes. C. Bananas and mooncakes.
8. How much change should the man give the woman?
   A. 3 yuan. B. 7 yuan. C. 10 yuan.
9. What makes the woman look terrible?
   A. The busy preparation for the test. B. The less time for her part-time job.
   C. The bad result of the examination.
10. What is the man trying to persuade the woman to do?
   A. To take the examination tomorrow. B. To give up the idea of dropping out.
   C. To quit the present part-time job.
11. Why does the woman have to do the part-time job?
   A. Because her mother is out of work now. B. Because her father is between jobs now.
   C. Because she wants to gain work experience.
12. What job is the woman applying for?
   A. Pilot. B. Air hostess. C. Nurse.
13. Which is unnecessary for the job?
   A. A little English. B. Good health. C. Flying experience.
14. Where is the woman working?
   A. In a travel agency. B. In a hospital. C. On a plane.
15. Why does the woman choose to run in the gym?
   A. It is cold outside. B. She has a cold. C. She needs guidance.
16. What does the man like doing?
   A. Buying gym clothes. B. Drinking beer. C. Taking a lift.
17. How does the woman feel about the man’s lifting weights?
   A. Surprised. B. Ashamed. C. Relieved.
18. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
   A. House rules for lazy kids. B. Ways of making kids creative.
   C. Kids’ health and intellectual development.
19. What should parents encourage their kids to do?
   A. Read more books. B. Keep the house tidy. C. Take a short break.
20. Why does the speaker suggest limiting the amount of TV and video games?
   A. To make kids finish their homework ahead of time.
   B. To keep kids away from the violent programming.
   C. To make kids participate in more active activities.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. Frankly speaking, I always regard you as my best friend, ________ I place entire trust.
A. who B. that C. on whom D. in whom
22. —Why do you think the music is used?
   —To ________ the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.
A. lose  B. discover  C. forward D. construct
23. A worldwide ________ to healthier diets is one of many actions that need to be taken to avoid dangerous climate change.
A. shift B. admission  C. witness D. response
24. It is said that the project will cost $580 million, half coming from investors, the rest ________.
   A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowing D. being borrowed
25. —I’m sorry, Dad. I guess the job is not for me.
   —All right. ________
A. Suit yourself. B. Help yourself. C. Bless you! D. See you!
26. After investigation, the police found out one clue ________ voices were heard calling for help from some very distant place that day.
A. where B. when C. that D. whose
27. When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow ________ the best in ourselves.
A. bring out B. take out C. put on D. turn on
28. —You need to be fully ________ to the danger of leaving your belongings unattended while traveling alone.
—Thanks for reminding me!
A. devoted B. allergic C. exposed D. awake
29. Traditional exercises like sit-ups, press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening the body, ________ you do them properly.
A. since B. unless C. providing D. considering
30. Beijing has set the city’s population ________ at 23 million by 2020 due to water scarcity and big city diseases such as traffic jam.
A. budget B. ceiling C. explosion D. standard

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