
作者:http://www.gaokw.com 时间:2012-04-26 来源:高考资料网

24. A. baking        B. frying          C. steaming      D. boiling
25. A. hoped         B. arranged        C. liked         D. attempted
26. A. described      B. imagined       C. created        D. discovered
27. A. tense          B. cheerful        C. relaxed       D. deserted
28. A. times         B. question        C. classes        D. projects.
29. A. curious about   B. good at         C. slow at       D. nervous about


30. A. kick          B. give            C. carry         D. hit
31. A. through       B. into             C. over         D. past
32. A. after          B. if              C. because      D. until
33. A. believed       B. considered      C. wondered     D. sensed
34. A. warned        B. sighed          C. ordered      D. whispered
35. A. excitement     B. encouragement   C. persuasion    D. suggestion 高考网wWw.GaoKw.cOm

36. A. interested      B. doubtful        C. puzzled       D. sure
37. A. never         B. already         C. seldom        D. almost
38. A. happened      B. applied         C. seemed       D. meant
39. A. continue       B. stay           C. exist          D. live
40. A. merciful       B. bitter          C. simple        D. easy
第二部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
第一节  阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


Every day people often saw a boy sing in a park. In fact, they didn’t know the fact that this boy had cancer for a long time and he had no more time left. He looked very optimistic and he didn’t feel self-contemptuous(自卑的)at all.   
One day, he was wandering in the park. Suddenly a good smell flew over and it attracted him to come under a peach. To his joy, he saw a girl dancing pleasingly.  
“You are great! You look like a dancing butterfly!” watching her for a long time, then he said. 
“Thank you!” this girl looked up and said shyly.  
“Are you blind?” said the boy amazedly.   
The girl made no reply, but she nodded hard.   
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” said the boy in a hurry.   
“Never mind!” the girl seemed to be easy.   
They knew each other in this way.   
From then on, they often met each other. And while the boy was singing, the girl danced for him. 高考网Www.gaoKw.CoM

Time passed quickly! Many days passed before they knew it.  
“Look! How beautiful the peach blossoms are! They are just like you!”said the boy unconsciously(无意地).
“But I can’t see.” the girl lowered her head.   
“I’m sorry!” the boy couldn’t help regretting. He felt his heart bitten hard by a snake, “How foolish I am! How can I say such words before her?” His heart was soon covered by an inexplicable idea.   
Several days later, the girl told the boy happily that her eyes would be cured quickly because someone was willing to contribute his cornea(角膜)to her. Hearing the girl’s words, the boy also smiled happily. 
That day, darkness seemed to come earlier than ever. The boy said many words to the girl: “I had never believed there was forever in the world. But I know I am mistaken! There is forever indeed — friendship. Now I have to go and I am afraid that we can’t meet each other again, either. I will treasure our friendship up in my memory!”    高考网WWw.gAoKw.coM

Hearing the boy’s words, the girl couldn’t help crying. Then the boy sang again while the girl danced.   
Later the boy went quietly, but he was regretless, because he gave the last song in his life to the girl.   
Soon the girl’s operation succeeded, she saw everything and knew the truth, too. To people’s surprise, the peach didn’t blossom that year.   
When the girl came to the appointed place with tears, she seemed to see the boy singing and walking to her in the setting sun.

41. From the passage we know that the girl was as _____ as the boy though she was disabled.
A. helpful  B. self-contemptuous C. old    D. optimistic
42. From the passage we can infer that it was _____ that the boy said, “Look! How beautiful the peach
blossoms are! They are just like you!”
A. unconsciously B. mockingly C. foolishly D. on purpose
43. What do the underlined words “an inexplicable idea” refer to?


A. The fact that the boy had an incurable disease and was dying soon.
B. The idea that the boy would like to contribute his cornea to the girl.
C. The idea that the friendship between them would last forever.
D. The fact that the girl was very pitiful and badly needed help.
44. What’s the best title of this passage?
A. The Friendship           B. An Unselfish Boy
C. The Last Song in Life     D. A Touching Story

Western New Bridge Library Announcement
Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break
Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (9∶00 a. m. 4∶00 p. m. ) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.
Coming Events
◆On Monday, March 24, at 10∶30 a. m., Scott Sutton, a children’s writer, will tell stories to kids over seven. Sutton’ s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present !
◆At 2∶00 p. m. , on March 25, a lecture will be delivered in Room 201, which focuses on the development of writing skill. Famous tutors from the district won’ t disappoint you.
◆At 1∶00 p. m. ,on March 26, the Georgetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!
◆On Thursday, March 27, at 2∶00 p. m. , the annual Children’s Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children’ s Room and return your RSVP (回复)to reserve your seat at the table by 3∶00 p. m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.
◆At 10∶30 a.m. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kids’ science show, ENZOology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show — come and 
see him at the library! 高考网wWw.GaoKw.cOm

Please note: In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926  3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these, please contact_hld_@_wnbl._corg.Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Books!



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