
来源:未知 发布时间:2014-05-11 09:18:22 整理:一品高考网

1. B   2. B   3. B  4. B   5. B   6. A   7. D   8. C   9. B   10. C
11. D   12. D 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. D
17. William    18. April     19. Economy   20. 6:10
21. better view    22. no good place    23.their needs    24.parking facilities
1. 1-10题,每小题1分。
2. 11—16题,每小题2分。
3. 17—24题,每小题1分。19题小写不扣分,17、18题小写扣1分。
25. the    26. designed  27. Considered  28. greatest  29. retiring
30. was appointed 31. After      32. has won      33. Even though/ Even if
34. What       35. where     36. to start      37. at which    
38. disappearing 39. that   40. by
1. 25—40题,每小题1分。
2. 拼写错误扣1分。
3. 第33、37题,两空格只答出一空扣1分。
4. 第27、31、33、34题,小写不扣分。
41. A   42. G   43. J   44. D   45. E   46. H   47. C   48. I   49. F   50. B 
51. A   52. D   53. B   54. A   55. B   56. C   57. C   58. D   59. D   60. A
61. D   62. B   63. B   64. C   65. A
66. C   67. B   68. C   69. B
70. A   71. B   72. D  
73. A   74. C   75. B   76. D   77. C
78. Genes and aging.
79. physical health; mental health
80. culture and history/ time and society
81. viewing bodies and minds in social terms
1. 78—81题,每小题2分。
2. 内容正确,语法正确,得2分。
3. 内容正确,语法正确或虽有错误,但不影响理解,得1分。
4. 第78、79、80题,内容缺失,即只回答出一部分扣1分。
4. 即使语法正确,但是内容错误,得0分。
5. 答案超过规定字数10词,得0分。
1. 考官将会问你几个关于科技发展的问题。(related)
The judges/ interviewers will ask you several questions related to the development of science and technology.
The  judges/ interviewers (0.5+0.5) will ask you  several questions (0.5+0.5) related to (1) the development of science and technology (0.5+0.5).
1. judges/ interviewers前没有添加定冠词,扣0.5分
2. science and technology两者漏翻其一,均扣0.5分
2. 他在英语学习方面取得了比其他同学更大的进步。(than…)
He has made more progress than other students in English learning.
He has made more progress (1+1) than other students (1) in English learning(1).
1. make progress时态用错、比较级漏翻扣1分,progress错用复数形式扣0.5
2. other students错用限定词,扣0.5
3. in English learning错用介词,扣0.5
3. 就你的观点,缺少均衡饮食以及室外运动会有怎样的负面结果?(consequence)
From your point of view, what are the negative consequences of lacking balanced diets or outdoor activities?
From your point of view (1), what are the negative consequences of (1) lacking (1) balanced diets or outdoor activities(1)?
1. “就你的观点”也可以翻译为:As far as you are concerned,…
2. “负面结果”也可以翻译为:negative results

4. 在未来几周内,这些学校将要安装网络设备为了方便学生获取所需信息。(install)
In the coming weeks, the schools will be installed with network devices/ equipment to make it convenient for students to get the information needed.
In the coming  weeks(0.5+0.5), the schools  will be installed with(0.5+0.5) network devices/ equipment(1) to make it convenient for students(1) to get the information  needed(0.5+0.5).
1. the schools will install network device也得分,即install主动、被动都得分
2. the schools限定词不能缺失,否则扣0.5分
3. equipment不可数名词,错误扣0.5分
5. 韩国影星在女学生中大受欢迎,很多人为了见上一面甚至愿意在机场等上几小时,这却让父母们很担忧。(So…)
So popular are the Korean stars among the girl students that some are even willing to wait at the airport for hours just to have a look, which makes their parents feel worried.
So popular are  the Korean stars(0.5+0.5) among the girl students(0.5) that some are even willing to (1) wait at the airport  for hours(0.5+0.5) just to have a look(0.5), which makes their parents feel worried(1).
1. 倒装句翻译错误或缺失,或没有翻译so…that…结构,均扣1分
2. “这却让父母们很担忧”根据语义翻译正确即得分

  假设你是明启中学(Ming Qi Middle School)高三(1)班的通讯员李华,你将为你班班长王华写一份事迹报道,竞选学校的好班长称号(Mr./ Mrs. Monitor)。你的参选报道必须包括以下内容:
档次 内容 语言 组织结构
A 9—10 9—10 4—5

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