
来源:未知 发布时间:2019-06-09 10:30:51 整理:一品高考网


第一、二部分(Key to 1~55)
1. D   2. A    3. B   4. C   5. D   6. A   7. B   8. C    9. C       10. A
11. B    12. A   13. C   14. D   15. A    16. C    17. D   18. B     19. B   20. A
21. D    22. C    23. A    24. D    25. C   26. B   27. C    28. A    29. D    30. A
31. B    32. A    33. C    34. D     35. D    36. C    37. D    38. D    39. A    40. B
41. B    42. D    43. C    44. D     45. C    46. B     47. C    48. D     49. A    50. D
51. B     52. D    53. C    54. D    55. A
Some possible answers:
56. Cleaning the(school)building.
Or: Doing(the)cleaning.
Or: He cleans the(school)building.
Or: He does(the)cleaning.
57. By lining the hallways,blowing noisemakers,singing a song,handing him cards,and hugging him.
Or: By lining the hallways with(handmade)cards,blowing noisemakers,singing a song,and hugging him.
Or: They lined the hallways,blew noisemakers,sang a song,handed him cards,and hugged him.
Or: They lined the hallways with(handmade)cards,blew noisemakers,sang a song,and hugged him.
58. Love.
Or: Liking.
Or: Fondness.
59. (Because)he loves/cares about(the)students and works hard.
Or: (Because)he loves(the)students and is devoted to his work.
Or: (Because)he is kind/caring/helpful to the students,and hard-working.
Or: (Because)he is regarded as a kind/warm-hearted/helpful/caring and hard-working man.
60. My father/mother. (Because)he/she loves me and encourages me when I'm faced/confronted with difficulties.
Or: My teacher. (Because)he/she cares about me and prepares me for my future career.
Or: My friend. (Because)he/she brings me joy/happiness and gives me a lot of comfort/help/encouragement.
分值 描述
2分 针对问题作出了正确的回答,内容清晰、完整!同时,语法、单词拼写(含大小写)准确无误,且答题所用词汇数量符合题自要求。
1.5分 针对问题作出了正确的回答,内容全面,但答题所用词汇数量超出题目要求的数量较多,或存在个别因粗心或笔误引起的语法或单词拼写(含大小写)错误,对表达含义基本不构成影响。
1分 语法或单词拼写基本准确,但回答内容不够全面,缺乏部分主要信息;或针对问题作出了基本正确的回答,但组织语言过程中存在一至两处明显的语法或单词拼写错误,且错误易引起歧义或误解。
0分 答非所问;回答过手简略或草率,难以理解或者是没有意义的单词堆砌。

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