
来源:衡阳八中 发布时间:2014-11-14 17:24:17 整理:一品高考网
  1. 61. Which of the following situation can be classified as a simple spill?
A. Some spilled liquid causes a fire in the building.
B. Yellow and green gases are leaking from the storage room.
C. An unknown red chemical is found on the corridor floor.
D. A researcher spills his milk all over the lab floor.
  1. 62. According to the safety instructions, upon discovering a complicated spill on campus, people should _________.
A. put on a respirator as soon as possible
B. refer to Chapter 6 of the Chemical Safety Guide
C. get away from the spill and report it to authorities
D. call Division of the Research Safety at 333-2755
63.  “MSDS” in the passage possibly refers to _____.
A. a mask                    B. an explanation about the chemical  
C. a device                     D. another kind of chemical
  1. 64. Who are most possibly the targeted audiences of this article?
A. Students in the Chemistry Department of a university.
B. Researchers working at Chemical Institution of Illinois.
C. Members of Division of Research Safety.
D. Staff members at a chemical manufacturing company.
  1. 65. The purpose of the material above is to ____________ .
A. inform people of the dangers of various chemical spills
B. introduce complicated spills and necessary measures in response to them
C. encourage students to join the campus Respiratory Protection Program
D. compare simple spills and complicated spills
Dreams can be familiar and strange, fantastical or boring, but some dreams might be connected to the mental processes that help us learn. No one knows for certain why people dream, but some dreams might be connected to the mental processes that help us learn. In a recent study, scientists found a connection between nap-time(打盹时的) dreams and better memory in people who were learning a new skill.
In the study, 99 college students between the ages of 18 and 30 each spent an hour on a computer, trying to get through a virtual maze (迷宫). The maze was difficult, and the study participants had to start in a different place each time they tried --- making it even more difficult. They were also told to find a particular picture of a tree and remember where it was.
For the first 90 minutes of a five-hour break, half of the participants stayed awake and half were told to take a short nap. Participants who stayed awake were asked to describe their thoughts. Participants who took a nap were asked about their dream after sleep---and they were awakened within a minute of sleep to describe their dreams.
Stickgold, a neuroscientist (神经科学家), wanted to know what people were dreaming about when their eyes weren’t moving, during sleep.
Four of the 50 people who slept said their dreams were connected to the maze. Some dreamed about the music that had been playing when they were working; others said they dreamed about seeing people in the maze. When these four people tried the computer maze again, they were able to find the tree faster than before their naps.
Stickgold suggests the dream itself doesn’t help a person learn --- it’s the other way around. He suspects that the dream was caused by the brain processed associated with learning. 
All four of the people who dreamed about the task had done poorly the first time, which makes Stickgold wonder if the dreams show up when a person finds a new task particularly difficult. People who had other dreams, or people who didn’t take a nap, didn’t show the same improvement.
66. Before having a short nap, participants of the experiment were asked to ___________.
A. stay in different place in the maze
B. design a virtual maze which is difficult to get through
C. experience the experiment and try to remember something
D. get through a virtual maze on a computer from the same place
67. After doing what they were asked on computers, participants ___________. 
A. were divided into two groups to do different things at break
B. were so tired as to fall asleep
C. felt bored with the experiment and they were sleepy
D. were asked to remember their experiment separately
68. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Participants who took a nap were required to express their thought.
B. Some dreams may encourage people to invent something new.
C. Participants who dreamed about films could finish the task more easily.
D. Participants whose dreams had something to do with the maze could find the tree faster.
69. According to Stickgold, ____________.
A. every person may dream about what they learned
B. people’s brain processes may still be connected with their learning in their dreams
C. once people’s eyes stop moving, they are sued to dream about something
D. no matter fantastical or boring, dreams are connected with peoples life
70. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A. Strange Dreams                       B. Stickgold, a Dream Expert
C. Dreaming Makes Better                 D. Not All Dreams Are True
SECTION  A(共10小题;每小题 1分,满分10分)
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Ready to give up long showers, water parks, and unlimited water gushing(喷涌) out of your taps? A new study says more than three-hundred-thirty-five-million people are faced with water shortage now. The oceans are full, of course. But the liquid—fresh, clean water for drinking and watering crops is in short supply in many parts of the world. Rivers are running low, lakes are shrinking, streams have stopped flowing, and groundwater is being pumped dry. However, the demand for water keeps increasing. So there comes inevitably the water crisis!

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