
来源:未知 发布时间:2016-04-16 09:55:43 整理:一品高考网

E. If something seems unclear before you start, don’t panic: ask.
F. If you’re so nervous that you blank out, you might need a mini-break.
G. You can also add details that you may not have thought you’d have time for.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5 分, 满分30分) 
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
I often work with students in small groups providing strategies for promoting reading. One of the activities I ask students to complete is a process that __41_ students to focus on word features to _42 reading skills. Part of activities involves students who must reach a __43_ and desire for me their own thinking.
Recently, I was observing students during this process __44_. One of the students thought this was _45. I asked her why and she replied “My teacher doesn’t let us talk!”
It _46 me that, in our classroom lives of school reform, so many important things have been pushed out of daily instructions. As adults we can realize the importance of communication. We become 47 through communicating with friends, employers and partners. 48_good communication skills, we are ususally unable to reach our fullest  _49_. So we shouldn’t forget to let our students do the talking. I learn so much about my students and their thinking through their 50 conversation. Yet, quiet classroons are often seen as “good” classrooms. Noisy classrooms are _51_ as “hard to control”. A really productive classroom is a __52_ of both.
Teachers who instruct students on a task and then allow them to work together to complete the task _53_ to hear a productive level of conversation. Sure, students get off task, _54_ that is the teacher’s job to redirect the students. A teacher should _55_ conversations, guide and join in the conversations. Most _56_, the teacher should listen to the conversations. I actually learn from my students when I am part of the process. Students __57_ their higher order thinking skills through language. My instruction is often __58_ by this enjoyable opportunity.
I hope we all can find the time in our busy instructional days to allow our students the opportunity to _59__ their language development through the art of conversation. In my classes, we will continue to talk , talk, talk! After all, the skill of communication will largely _60_ a student’s success, now and in the future.
41. A. permits         B. drives         C. persuades     D. directs 
42. A. exchange       B. examine       C. improve       D. enable
43. A. conclusion       B. kingdom      C. surrounding    D. graduation
44. A. happily             B. quietly         C. carelessly      D. freely
45. A. joy             B. end           C. fun           D. job
46. A. pointed          B. discouraged   C. overcame     D. reminded
47. A. distant          B. important     C. successful     D. permanent
48. A. Through        B. Throughout    C. With         D. Without
49. A. potential          B. location       C. performance   D. level
50. A. casual            B. boring        C. funny        D. smart
51. A. imagined         B. described     C. regarded      D. overlooked
52. A. benefit           B. combination      C. power       D. disadvantage
53. A. expect           B. demand          C. decide        D. pretend
54. A. so              B. and         C. for           D. but
55. A. allow           B. order            C. monitor       D. create
56.A. generally        B. powerfully       C. probably      D. importantly
57. A. demonstrate     B. value             C. organize     D. produce
58. A. borrowed       B. guided            C. obtained     D. narrowed
59. A. control        B. cause             C. enrich       D. decide
60.A. lie in          B. point to           C. take in       D. lead to

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